Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Post #7

Describe white light?

White light is a combination of all colors of light, and is emitted in sources such as the Sun that illuminates the Earth

How do we see color if objects "have no color of their own"?

Objects absorb all other colors that they do not appear to be, reflecting that color into the viewer's eye. For example, a green cup is hit with white light, absorbing all other colors except for green.

What seven colors result when white light is refracted through a prism?

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Purple. However, the existence of purple in the color spectrum is hotly debated and some say that the last three colors of light should be known as Cyan, Blue and Dark Blue, saying that a dark blue in small amounts appears to be purple.

Describe hue?

Different shades of color, such as Purple, Green, Blue and Red

What happens with white?

White is created when all colors are combined, mixing together to create a pure color.

What happens with black?

Black is the absence of light, as due to the fact that no colors in black, this particular 'color' fills the void in the mind of the viewer

How color is perceived depends on what?

Color perception is a combination of the factors of saturation, brightness and tint or shade

What is a color wheel?

A color wheel is a representation of many main colors that can be seen by the human eye and a color's relationship with all other colors

What are primary colors? Name them?

Primary colors are colors that cannot be made by mixing other pure colors together, they are Red, Green and Blue

What are secondary colors? Name them?

Secondary colors are colors that can be formed by mixing two primary colors together, and they are Yellow, Cyan and Magenta.

What are tertiary colors? Name them?

Tertiary colors are colors formed by mixing any combination of secondary colors together, or one secondary color and one primary color together. All colors that are not listed above, such as orange and violet.

What are neutral colors? How can they be created?

Neutral colors are white, grey and black. they can be created by including all forms of light, some light by mixing white and black, or no light at all.

How can a neutral color help a design?

A neutral color can provide a certain sense of space or contrast with one another or with other colors.

What are complementary colors? Name them?

Complementary colors are colors opposite of each other on the color wheel and include Red with Green, Blue with Orange and yellow with purple.

What is color value?

Color value is the value and hue of something, and lowering a color value is to make something appear more black and white rather than in sharp color.

What is a shade?

A shade is the darkness of a color, or it's mixture with the color black.

What is a tint?

Tint is the lightness of a color, or it's mixture with the color white.

What is saturation/intensity?

The saturation or intensity of a color is it's distance from the color of gray, making the image appear to be more sharp or more muted

What happens when you mix complementary colors together?

Mixing complementary colors together yields the color of brown.

What is a color scheme?

A color scheme is the choice of colors used in a design in order to convey a certain feel or message through it.

Describe a monochromatic color scheme?

Monochromatic color schemes incorporate all colors of the same hue only with different tints, tones and shades.

Describe an analogous color scheme?

An analogous color scheme uses many similar colors, such as blue, dark blue and teal. These colors tend to be set next to each other on the color wheel.

Describe a complementary color scheme?

A complementary color scheme uses colors that are across from each other on the color wheel and tends to make the design seem to stand out or emphasize a particular area.

Describe a split-complementary color scheme?

A split-complementary color scheme uses colors adjacent to a complementary color, an example of which is Green with Orange and Magenta.

Describe a triadic color scheme?

A triadic color scheme utilizes colors that are placed in a triangle around the color wheel such as Light orange, Violet and Green.

What colors are considered to be warm colors?

Colors such as Red, Orange and Yellow

Describe the psychology of a warm color scheme?

A warm color scheme causes the viewer to feel a sense of homeliness and energy.

What colors are considered to be cool colors?

Colors such as Blue and Purple.

Describe the psychology of a cool color scheme?

A cool color scheme causes the viewer to feel a sense of relaxation and refreshment.

Why is important to consider which colors are being used within a design?

Colors used within a design determines the mood that the viewer feels when looking upon your design, as well as what is emphasized upon it and in general, how aesthetically pleasing the design may be.

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