The first design, the one on the upper left is a symbol of night time sailing. It is meant to symbolize sailing and is meant to possibly be used on docks alongside time markings in order to indicate when sailing is allowed. My favorite part of this design is the moon, slightly curvy around it's cut-in and a good contrast with the white background.
The next design is the one of the upper right of hearts and circles inset upon each other. It is meant to symbolize a bulls-eye mixed with the common symbol for love as a heart, meaning that there is always an aim for love. It is meant to be used possibly as a logo for a young adult targeted company. My favorite part of the design is the two central dots, of which were added in place of more hearts in order to further solidify the image of a bullseye.
The final design, a simple film projector with a film reel inside of it. It is meant to be a symbol for a movie theater, to be used on road signs that point toward movie theaters. My favorite part of this design is the small white stroke placed on the top right portion of the camera, as I believe it accents the contrast between black and white and the curvature of the film reel.
Assignment #2
Assignment #3:
This is my creation using Photoshop and it's various tools. In order to create the background, I utilized and image of the White House, removed the blue sky above the building and inserted behind it an American flag. From there, I applied a lens flare that would highlight the creature that I would put in front of it as well as a gradient overlay and a spotlight in the top left corner in order to make the center brighter than the edges, while still maintaining a clear image. Next I found an image of a bald eagle, removed the white areas around the bird and then reflected it to create two. I then added the Seal of the President of the United States, as well as an explosion graphic and then changed to opacity of the layer to 70% after fusing the accents. Then I got to work on the creature itself, of which I call Horse Jesus from his iconic horse head and glow. Cutting various pieces from images found throughout the internet, I created the figure, of whom possess a torso and left side of a president, but a right side of a horse and skeleton. Then I simply added Inner and Outer glow effects along with a satin effect and thus the image was complete. The story told by the piece is of this mutant creature, of whom was somehow achieved the office of presidency, escaping an assassination attempt against him and after which began hallucinating all-american objects such as the Eagles and Seal in the panic following the event. My favorite part of the work is by far the background, complete with a beautiful scene that has an element of strangeness to it, as well as embodying American icons. My least favorite part of the work however was in the creature itself, I feel like I had difficulties in making the various pieces come together and mesh in an eye pleasing way. Next time, I would most likely choose a different concept of creature to put in the foreground, because of the hassle that it was in order to create Horse Jesus, not so much in the effects involved but rather in his odd and deformed proportions.
Book Cover
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