Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post #12

Define principles of design
Ways in which an artist or designer uses portions of the art work in such a way that it is aesthetically pleasing or balanced.

What do the principles of design affect?
Principles of design affect the balance of a design and the attractiveness of such design

What is the difference between the principles of design and C.R.A.P.? How can contrast help a design? 
Principles of design are basics and C.R.A.P uses these basics in such a way that a common theme or attractiveness is achieved. Contrast assists in accentuating a portion of the design.

What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?
Having too little contrast causes the design to all blend together in the eye of the view whilst too much contrast causes the viewer to be distracted, confused or otherwise overwhelmed.

What is the key to working with contrast?.
The key to working with contrast is to balance it in such a way that only one or two regions are being highlighted through it.

What are some common ways of creating contrast?
Common ways of creating is by using bright colors on darker colors such as white on black, or by using geometric symbols on top of one another.

What is the principle of repetition?
The principle of repetition is to create patterns by using similar or the same figures.

Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition?
Repetition may help the composition by creating a mesmerizing pattern for the viewer or by accentuating the figure being repeated.

What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs?  
Repetition may be incorporated into your design in backgrounds or as the center piece, only with varying colors for each repetition.
 What should you avoid when working with repetition? 
Avoid creating something is too distracting or chaotic, or otherwise creating a repetition that is out of alignment and is not geometrically appealing.
 What is the principle of alignment?  
Alignment is a principle that is normally performed automatically and makes it so that the design may be connected through simple lines.

What is the principle of proximity?  
The principle of proximity is in which various elements of the design are placed nearer or farther from one another in order to convey a message about them or otherwise improve visual attractiveness. 

What is the principle of proportion?
Proportion is a principle by which some elements of a design are smaller or larger than others. Often times elements that the designer wish to be noticed are made larger than others such as the title.

Define symmetrical balance?
Symmetrical balance is when a design is mirrored across a central axis on the document.

What is another name for asymmetrical balance? 
Informal Balance

Define asymmetrical balance?  
Asymmetrical balance is when a design lacks a central axis by which it is mirrored, and thus has more design freedom.

What is a focal point and how is it created?
A focal point is a point in the design where the designer wishes most of the attention of the viewer to be directed. This is created by using the principles of design above to make this part more noticeable than others

How many components of a composition can be a focal point?
Only one component of the composition can be the focal point, any more and the design begins to be messy and confusing.

What ways can emphasis be created in a design?
Emphasis can be created by using the principles of proportion, alignment and contrast.

What is the principle of harmony and how is it different from unity?
The principle of harmony is in which all elements of the design work well with one another to direct the attention of the viewer and its message. This is different from unity in that contrasting colors can be used.

What is the principle of unity?
What three ways can unity be obtained?
Unity is in which all of the parts of the design blend together and is often obtained by using similar figures, colors and designs.

What is the principle of variety?
The principle of variety is the polar opposite of unity in that there are many different distinct parts of the design that are not flowing together.

What three ways can a designer add variety to a design?
Variety can be created by using contrasting figures colors and designs.

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