Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post #15

Define typography?
Typography is the use words and letters in such a way that they convey a message and improve the general appeal of a design

What is the difference between font and a typeface?
A font is a particular set of letters (A-Z and characters) that share a common theme and characteristics, whilst a typeface is set of fonts that share a general similarity.

What is the waist line and what does it indicate? What is a base line and what does it indicate?
The waist line is the centerline that bisects a line of type and a baseline is the line that lines the bottom of a line of letters.

What is counter?
A counter is a rounded hole such as in the letter o and p.

What is cap height?
The cap height is the maximum height of the letters in a design, most often reached by uppercase letters with ascenders.

What is x height?
X heigt is the highest that most lower case letters go, named after the letter x which tops of at the x height.

What is an ascender?
An ascender is a line that breaches the x height, an example is the letter h.

What is a descender?
A descender is a line that breaches the base line and is seen in the letter p

Describe a serif?
A serif is an ornament added to the edge of a letter.

What is leading?
A change in the difference between the baselines of each successive line.

What is tracking? 
Also known as letter spacing, tracking is the distance between each letter in a word.

What is kerning
Kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between each letter in such a way so that it is more pleasing to the eye.

What is a point? How many points are in an inch? 
A point is a measuring unit in typing and 72 points make an inch

What is a pica and how many are in an inch?
A pica is similar to a point, only much larger. There are 6 picas in an inch 

How many points are in a pica?
There are 12 points in a pica.

When was Blackletter invented and how was it used?
Also known as Gothic script, Blackletter was invented in Western Europe in the 12th century and was widely used throughout the history of type. It is used in order to create an older fashioned feel.

Describe the characteristics of a Blackletter typeface?
The Blackletter typeface has very thick lines and many geometric ornamentation. Uppercase letters are also extremely complicated

When was Old Style invented and what was is based on?
Old style text was developed between 1470 and 1600 and was based on the old Blackletter type of font.

Describe the characteristics of an Old Style typeface?
These typefaces are designed to mimic the style of handwriting and has less uniform thickness for different strokes.

When were formal scripts developed?
Formal scripts was developed in the 17th and 18th century.

When were casual scripts developed?
Casual scripts were developed in the Mid-Late 1900s.

Describe the characteristics of a Script typeface?
The Script typeface are based on fluid strokes in good handwriting and are similar to cursive handwriting, though are highly uniform and regular.

When was Modern typefaces developed and why?
Modern typefaces were developed in the late 19th century due to it's creator's beliefs that original typefaces were too complicated

Describe the characteristics of a Modern typeface?
Modern typeface is sans serif and is generally very simple in appearance.

How early can Sans Serif typefaces be found? What happened? 
Sans Serif can be found as early as in the 1700s as old Latin characters were being revived and was soon incorporated into magazines and printing.

When did they become popular?
Sans serif began to be popular towards the late 19th century.

What does "sans serif" mean?
Sans serif means 'without serifs'.

Describe the characteristics of a Sans Serif typeface?
A Sans Serif naturally lacks the use of the Serif ornaments and also appears to be more rounded in nature.

When was Slab Serif developed and why?
Slab Serif was developed in the early 1800s and was due to the need for typefaces in advertising, posters and flyers.

Describe the characteristics of a Slab Serif typeface?
The Slab Serif typefaces are characterized by thick serifs that appear to be either blunt and angular or round.

Describe Decorative typefaces?
Decorative typefaces are generally fancy looking and appear to be extremely complicated in nature, and is quite varied in terms of appearance.

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