As a designer, one can use the principles of design to compose by utilizing them in various degrees to figure out where to place certain elements. For example, a white lettering can be placed on a dark background to create contrast.
What are the principles of design (define each in your own words)?
The principles of design, Contrast Repetition Alignment and Proximity are ways by which a designer can place their elements in a design in order to achieve a more appealing design as well as to better convey their message.
For each of the 4 principles of C.R.A.P., find an example that utilizes the principle within the design. You should have 4 DIFFERENT sample designs. For each, discuss how the particular principle is used.
In this design, the principle of contrast is used in order to create the effect of a spiral heading towards a central point in the middle. A black layer was likely simply placed over the white with which the white is more accented than the black, creating the elongated shapes.

In this design, the circular ends of the color pencils are set up in such a way that individual colors of each are accented. By repeating the circle inside a circle pattern, the other parts of the design is accented

In this design the tips of the color pencils are lined up to create a full circle in the same colors as a color wheel. This accents the middle of the circle as well as the pattern along the outside with its attractive colors.
The way that the apples and cinnamon sticks are lined up in this photo is an example of proximity. By being the same arrangement as one another, with the same spacing with each, a mesmerizing pattern appears to be made.
How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?
You select an area in the layer using the Marquee tools, then click Add Layer Mask at the bottom of the layer palette or choose under Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal Selection.
What two colors are used to create the mask?
Black and White are used to create the mask and its varying levels of possible gradient and opacity
Describe the process of using a layer mask?
After a layer mask is created, it can be fine tuned by clipping various edges, moved around or removed entirely.
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